This event page profiles the roundtable and listening session will be hosted by Getting to Global, Inc.'s Chairman, Josh Halpern, in support of our latest working group titled "The Coalition for Intelligent Infrastructure".
Event Description
Topic 1: Guest speaker, Vinay Singh, newly anointed Chief AI Officer for the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) , who will discussing his plans and short and medium term steps for leveraging AI to tackle HUD's strategic goals.will profile short and medium term steps for leveraging AI to tackle HUD's strategic goals.
- Strategic Goal 1: Support Underserved Communities
- Strategic Goal 2: Ensure Access to and Increase the Production of Affordable Housing
- Strategic Goal 3: Promote Homeownership
- Strategic Goal 4: Advance Sustainable Communities
- Strategic Goal 5: Strengthen HUD’s Internal Capacity
Topic 2: The Coalition for Intelligent Infrastructure, will introduce the seed concept of the coalition and provide an opportunity for a representative of each invited company to introduce their company's key value proposition as it pertains to the strategic goals listed about for 2-3 minutes.
In advance of this call, we suggests watching this hearing with an ear to the main concerns and ways you can help address them. (click here) THE COMMITTEE ON BANKING, HOUSING, AND URBAN AFFAIRS, SUBCOMMITTEE ON HOUSING, TRANSPORTATION, AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OPEN SESSION entitled, “Artificial Intelligence and Housing: Exploring Promise and Peril.”
Please email [email protected] with any questions or to receive a list of categories that may be appropriate to profile for this session.

March 11, 2024 - 12:00 PM EDT

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Coalition Goals:
To profile coalition members’ technologies, research, and input to the appropriate career and political government agency leaders and legislative committee members to ensure strategic plans are built on the most recent solutions that private industry has to offer.
The Coalition for Intelligent Infrastructure (CII) is dedicated to forging a transformative future by fostering collaboration across a select group of sector-leading companies spanning diverse technological disciplines and their corresponding government and association counterparts. Our mission is to cultivate a dynamic ecosystem that accelerates the advancement of symbiotic relationships between these industries. Through the seamless integration of cutting-edge technologies, CII supports governments and institutions to more accurately model and project the success of their strategic objectives.
Our invite-only coalition brings together visionary companies and individuals committed to pushing the boundaries of infrastructure, housing, and transportation infrastructure innovation. By facilitating collaboration among leaders in fields such as artificial intelligence, robotics, data analytics, autonomous vehicles, population management, IoT, logistics, and more, CII will unlock unprecedented cross-industry and inter-governmental synergies, contributing to the development of intelligent infrastructure that goes beyond individual advancements, creating a holistic impact on society.
CII recognizes the pivotal role of technology in shaping the future, and we are dedicated to ensuring that these advancements are not only rapid but also strategically aligned. Our coalition actively promotes the swift adoption of transformative technologies across government institutions, catalyzing positive change and enhancing efficiency in public services.
Josh Halpern
Co-Chair - The Coalition for Intelligent Infrastructure
As Chairman of Getting to Global, with initial seed funding from META, Google, eBay and USPS, Mr. Halpern has built official partnerships with the U.S. DOC and SBA to deliver "trade via ecommerce" initiatives. Josh led the marine, auto, logistics and retail portfolios at the US Embassy in China and was the founding director of the DOC's eCommerce Innovation Lab. As a U.S. diplomat in China, he guided companies such as GM, Tesla, Harley Davidson, and Amazon in overcoming market entry challenges.

Mr. Vinay Singh
Chief AI Officer - U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Mr. Vinay V. Singh has held numerous leadership roles in the private sector for over 25 years, spanning accounting, finance, technology & operations management spheres. He is a Certified Public Accountant. He has worked at the SBA, DOC/ITA and was recently the CFO of HUD. He now leads the agency efforts for safe, secure and trustworthy AI, Artificial Intelligence. Specifically, coordinating, promoting innovation and managing risks across Program and Support offices.

Shelby L. Phillips
Head of Public Affairs & Strategic Ecosystem Advancement – North America
Shelby’s mission is to build strategic partnerships and collaborations across various sectors and with stakeholders, including government, academia, and not-for-profit entities, to educate and shape public policy and standards, secure R&D funding, and conduct feasibility studies for the hyperloop. She also empowers a geographically distributed team of 30+ contributors and collaborators, demonstrating the influence and potential of HyperloopTT's crowd-powered ecosystem and the future of work.

Chuck Michael
Regulatory Advisor and Head of Feasibility Studies – North America
Mr. Michael is an experienced technology thought leader with over 35 years of experience combining business and strategic planning, study, design, and construction of railroad, mining and industrial facilities, and electric power generation stations. Skilled in transport economics, planning, heavy civil/structural and environmental engineering, and project management. He holds an undergraduate degree in Civil Engineering with graduate studies in structural engineering and theoretical physics.
Amazing contributors include:

The M2 Group
Morgan Paul Muchnick founded The M2 Group, LLC in 2012 after more than 15 years in Congress and the private sector. Mr. Muchnick previously served as Senior Professional Staff to the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, where he played a pivotal role in creating the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). As a lobbyist and advocate, Morgan has helped many technology innovators and disruptors grow their business and increase their presence inside the Washington Beltway.

LMM Innovation Group
LMM Innovation Group was established in 2021 by Managing Director Lynn Murray, PhD to provide ongoing technology innovation research to former colleagues and new clients. At LMM Innovation Group, we work hard to provide the answers you are looking for quickly. We scour a wide range of sources to identify new technologies and developing trends. We use a variety of tools and methods to build supporting knowledge quickly and provide concise reports to show our work.